Atlantic Coast Painting
"Quality with a Personal Touch"

Water Damage Disclaimer


The following disclaimer must be given to all clients intending to hire Atlantic Coast Painting concerning the repair of all and any stains from wood in the residential market.

It is recommended that the cause of damage be discovered and rectified before Atlantic Coast Painting removes any stains.  Atlantic Coast Painting is not responsible, nor can they be held liable due to return of such said stains.  Atlantic Coast Painting does not inspect for verification of correction to the cause of leaking.  It is the sole responsibility of either the homeowner or an assigned party of homeowner to do so.  Atlantic Coast Painting highly recommends that all leaks be repaired before contracting with us to fix any stains resulting there from.

I acknowledge that I have either had all leaks repaired to inhibit further damage or that I have made the decision that such said repairs are not necessary before hiring Atlantic Coast Painting to remove facial damage of stains.  I also agree not to hold liable Atlantic Coast Painting or any party affiliated with Atlantic Coast Painting should any damage reoccur.

Homeowner or assigned party acknowledgment
Signed and dated :