Atlantic Coast Painting

Spring Specials

Pressure Washing savings

Book any pressure washing service before June 30th
and be eligible to receive the following

any deck smaller than 400 sq. ft. = 5% off
an extra 5% off discounts already offered on larger jobs

check here to learn about our pressure washing services

Restrictions do apply -see below for details

Wall papering specials

Book any painting job involving wall paper removal before June 30th and be eligible to receive the following

5% off any job less than $1000
10% off any job over $1000

Restrictions do apply -see below for details

applicable restrictions


Atlantic Coast Painting must be contacted directly by customer.  No other discounts apply, 50% deposit must be received within 15 days of proposal, work must be completed by July 2001, discount offered must be stated at initial contact, discount is not retroactive and only applies to jobs booked between April 1st to June 30th.